Wounded Animal Mother Fuckers!

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The Band

Wounded Animal is here for all you fucking jackasses in Lewistown to enjoy. The band was formed in Lewistown PA in 2008 as a form of amusement. Most of the songs are based on people, places, and events in Lewistown. Some of the songs are based on nothing.If you don't like the band you can go to the Sheetz store and get yourself a bag of Hartleys Chips, they go home an fuck yourself. Most songs are not written or scripted. We just get drunk and make the shit up as we go. To those of you that get offended by the songs you are fags, if you can take a dick, you can joke. Lewistown Christmas is the only early song that is still on the myspace site, many other songs like Mage Rage, Amish Fever, 12 Pack, and Cold Pizza have been retired from the page. In all Wounded Animal has recorded over 30 songs. 

Upcoming Projects

Currently working on new material, should be something along the lines of R&S song, Ocean City, and Alcoholics rule, we will start recording once everyone can get together and get loaded.

Contacting the Band